About Us

Tradamo is a machine devoted to broadening financial knowledge, enabling everyone to select the most pertinent investing strategies.

Tradamo is a site that is dedicated to providing its users with the latest information and news related to stocks. The platform's goal is to offer traders and investors access to real-time market data, financial news, analysis, and research, all in one place. Stock trading can be challenging without sufficient knowledge of the markets; this is where Tradmo Bloomberg comes in handy.

The site offers a user-friendly interface that allows users to monitor stock prices in real-time as well as set up custom watchlists. It also provides access to detailed financial statements for individual companies, complete with charts and graphs.



USD 74 30 days access

3-days trial / 4 USD

Empower valuation through powerful tools

Optimize investment research workflow

User-friendly interface

Premium Support

Setup of reminder emails

Progress tracking

Early access to new features

Unlimited trading & investing

Advanced market research & analysis

Personalized portfolio management

Advanced Risk management tools


USD 41 14 days access

3-days trial / 3 USD

Empower valuation through powerful tools

Optimize investment research workflow

User-friendly interface

Premium Support

Setup of reminder emails

Progress tracking


USD 59.99 14 days access

2-days trial / 2 USD

Empower valuation through powerful tools

Optimize investment research workflow

User-friendly interface

Premium Support

Setup of reminder emails

Progress tracking

Early access to new features

Unlimited trading & investing

Advanced market research & analysis

Personalized portfolio management

Exclusive Market news & insights

Fractional shares & micro-investing

Professional advice available

Advanced Risk management tools

Customizable problem related solution available

Team collaboration available


USD 31 14 days access

14-days trial / 31 USD

Empower valuation through powerful tools

Optimize investment research workflow

User-friendly interface

Premium Support

Setup of reminder emails

Progress tracking

Early access to new features


USD 42 14 days access

14-days trial / 42 USD

Empower valuation through powerful tools

Optimize investment research workflow

User-friendly interface

Premium Support

Setup of reminder emails

Progress tracking

Early access to new features

Unlimited trading & investing

Advanced market research & analysis

Personalized portfolio management


USD 53 14 days access

14-days trial / 53 USD

Empower valuation through powerful tools

Optimize investment research workflow

User-friendly interface

Premium Support

Setup of reminder emails

Progress tracking

Early access to new features

Unlimited trading & investing

Advanced market research & analysis

Personalized portfolio management

Exclusive Market news & insights

Fractional shares & micro-investing